how understanding your high sensitivity can help you

A highly sensitive nervous system processes information more deeply — its number one mission is to protect you and keep you safe! This can feel and look like:

  • Being affected more deeply and for a longer period of time by any situation that stirs up disturbing emotions

  • Ability to pick up on subtleties — being able to feel and sense more deeply into situations, environments and people around you

  • Relationships that feel confusing, overwhelming, often leading to withdrawal

    All of this can be deeply unsettling due to the uncomfortable sensation of emotions experienced in your body, and the corresponding lack of reflection by others. Meaning, you’ve probably experienced not being validated for how you feel and what you’re picking up on, especially if you’re surrounded by people who aren’t highly sensitive or are unskilled at handling their own emotions and bodily sensations. (That’s most of us!)

    For any HSP, understanding your nervous system is key, because how you feel impacts the way that you think and act. And a lot of these feelings tend to be triggered by fear or anxiety responses — designed to keep you safe, but not necessarily happy

In the long run, simply having an awareness of how your highly sensitive mind and body work, and understanding its highly intelligent responses to stress or overwhelm can help you to:

  1. Increase self acceptance

  2. Unlearn self-judgement and criticism

  3. Understand how your emotions inform your thoughts and vice versa

Instead of thinking “I’m just too sensitive” “Why can’t I just let it go?” “Why does this seem to bother me so much and not other people?”

Replace those with thoughts of:

“That’s just my highly sensitive nervous system trying to protect me; something about that situation bothered me, and I’m going to give myself a chance to figure out why.”

“I wonder if what I’m feeling is really mine, or am I taking on someone else’s feelings?”

“I deserve to take time to soothe my highly sensitive nervous system.”

Practicing self-compassion is a life-long practice, especially since much of this world is loud, fast, and highly stimulating. There will be times societal pressure and conditioning kicks in, making you wish you can move faster, do more, 24/7. But we’re not machines, and we’re not set up to be that way!

Highly sensitive people simply need the correct tool kits and skill sets to navigate this world — a world that needs your foresight, unique visions, heart and intellect.


cloudy day coping


moving beyond the safety of the intellect