you are worthy simply because you exist

Holistic, integrative or humanistic - there are many words used to describe the approach I take in my practice. I see life as meaningful and purposeful; we are all souls on a journey.

From birth, we are immediately imprinted with beliefs from the collective: whether societal or familial, we’re told it’s what makes us who we are. We are taught to conform through strong emotion like shame and guilt. We chase after things outside of ourselves as a way to affirm our worth and value. We are often enrolled out of our own innate knowing and sense of empowerment.

I see therapy as one of many paths to start taking responsibility for one’s emotions, increase consciousness, gain awareness of the beliefs picked up along the way — and to decide if you really want to take them along with you.

By gaining insight into the ways our minds and bodies work, we create more space for ourselves to respond instead of react, and to move towards creating a life that’s authentic to our design.

Are you ready to start this journey?

Reach out to me — to say yes today.


questioning the mystery


befriend your body