decision making for over-thinkers
Have you ever experienced analysis paralysis?
Whether it’s about making a decision about what to eat, comparison shopping on Amazon, or agonizing over whether to take that job, over-thinkers often experience the pain of over-analysis.
Steeped in our logic-based societies, we’re taught to think something through and make a pros and cons list — but that’s only half of the equation. We often over-utilize analysis and under-emphasize the role of intuition, and might either ignore the role of emotions completely or fail to correctly interpret what our emotions are trying to tell us.
Your brain is trying to help you calculate the odds. But it does not know what it does not know — so it goes on overdrive trying to ascertain the unknown.
The heart of the matter? Perhaps a fear of making the ‘wrong’ decision — and everything that comes with it, including just about everything associated with being wrong, imperfect, or not good enough.
What typically ends up happening is either:
a complete abandonment of the task or
simply taking the path of least resistance (relying on habit)
leading ultimately to a sense of dissatisfaction. Which further reinforces the belief that decision making always has to be a frustrating and negative experience!
Overthinking is a misuse of the intellect, which is really here to help us analyze and select from the known. (E.g. Solving a math equation. Deciding on the best route to take based on traffic conditions.)
Once unknowns are in the equation, e.g. how will going to this school affect my future? Is this the right person to be with? — relying on logic alone can often be woefully inadequate.
what’s the alternative?
A suggestion:
Do the research. Make that pros and cons list.
Limit the amount of time you do your research. Information overload is not helpful.
Step away from it.
Sleep on it.
Ask your heart to reveal the answer to you. Hand over heart. Does it feel right in your body? What comes to your mind? What would you do if there could be no ‘wrong’ decision? What if you could never feel completely sure about a decision?
Accept that no matter what choice you land on, there is risk involved, which can never be fully eliminated.
Test it out. Take action. (This is where fear and resistance often come into play — and deserves its own post.)
Get real-world feedback. How did you feel taking action? What insight did you glean? Where did it feel right for you? What didn’t feel right? How are you measuring the outcomes?
Become familiar with your relationship with ‘failure’ or imperfection — this is when you get to know yourself better, where you may uncover some of the deeper reasons driving over-analysis.
Refine based on feedback and repeat process when necessary.
Of course, this may not apply to all decisions — depending on complexity, this process could look different. Over time, as you gain more knowledge of yourself — this decision making process could be a lot shorter and more intuitive.
As with anything, start small.
Another suggestion: Try this out with something that isn’t necessarily life-changing. What would you like to eat next? Which restaurant would you like to go to for dinner?
Try going with the first answer that comes to mind. And then see what happens — you may be pleasantly surprised!
Evolutionary astrology wisdom — if your North node is in Sagittarius (born between Aug 2, 1992 — Feb 1, 1994), then you may experience this issue acutely. The only way to get out of overthinking, is by getting in touch with your intuition. No amount of logic will create the type of safety and harmony you’re instinctively seeking for.